1. Cartesian coordinate system / CartesianIn this coordinate system a line or line built denganmenentukan
position dots / point based on the X-axis and Y-axis yangmembentuk the
line.2. Relative coordinate systemIn contrast to the Cartesian coordinate system, with relatively a
drafter sistemkoordinat not have to know the position of each point
yangmembentuk an object in AutoCAD, which must be known only dantinggi
length of a line in the X and Y axis, the following writing format (@
length, height3. Polar coordinate systemIn
contrast to the two previous coordinate system, the polar
sistemkoordinat not the wheelbase on the X axis and Y, but a
garisdibentuk to determine arc length and degree of slope garistersebut.
Polar range from 0 degrees to 180 degrees. Formatpenulisannya as follows (Panjang arc <degree slope).4. Absolute CoordinatesAbsolute
coordinates is a kind of field dalampenggambaran 2D coordinate system,
in which the type of coordinates is a kind koordinatyang value is
determined based on the X axis Dany. The format (X), (Y).
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Tutorial AutoCad