Drawing with cad software like AutoCAD requires us to mrnginst many command if not bother to use the tools menu in order to work faster and easier. There are hundreds or even thousands of commands that can be used, but memorizing a few dozen alone is quite enough to be able to draw a good building, it is necessary to know the beginner in order to more quickly learn the skills to get a draw with this cad computer software, for those who have advanced also do not need to remember all the commands because it can take a lot of memory in the brain that should be used for other things. Ok we just started to make a list of command autocad most widely used, to make it easier so we grouped according to the type of image making 2D and 3D :-)
Line / L, is used to create the line.
Polyline / PL, makes a lot of lines, but remain united as a single object.
Rectanggle / REC, create a rectangular outline.
Circle / C, create a circle
Erase / E, deleting objects
Move / M, move the object.
Copy / CO / CP, for doubling the object.
Dimension, to provide the size or dimensions of the image.
Plot, to print or to print an image.
li, to see the object that unit volume, area, length etc, this command is often used by the quantity surveyor to calculate the volume of building work.
Command autocad to draw 3D
Extrude / ext, to convert 2D images into 3D, giving the thickness of the object.
Slice, to cut the object.
Subtrace, to cut an object with another object.
Union, to combine objects.
View, to see the object on which side, does appear on the side or perspective
Render, to give texture to the object material, lighting etc. so it can produce the best 3D picture.
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Tutorial AutoCad
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